LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn is the number one platform for professionals, with over 400 million users worldwide. It offers the same demographic targeting as platforms such as Facebook, whilst also offering PPC advertising and the ability to communicate with users in a professional B2B setting. 

What Is LinkedIn Advertising?

LinkedIn is the number one platform for professionals, with over 400 million users worldwide. LinkedIn offers the same demographic targeting as platforms such as Facebook, whilst also offering PPC advertising and the ability to communicate with users in a professional B2B setting.

How Does LinkedIn Advertising work?

LinkedIn advertising gives brands a chance to connect with an audience in a business mindset. However, LinkedIn ads are not solely for B2B companies – they can be used for B2C, nonprofits, universities and many other types of organisations that utilise the platform.

Similar to Facebook, LinkedIn uses ad targeting to help run successful advertising campaigns, allowing you to target the right people to lead to enhanced visibility, conversion and conversions. LinkedIn provides over 20 audience attributes and targeting criteria including:

  • Company name
  • Company size
  • Member groups
  • Interests
  • Member schools
  • Job titles
  • Job seniority
  • Personal Skills
LinkedIn Ads

Types Of LinkedIn Ads

Linkedin offers a wide variety of ad types so you can choose the format that will best fit your target audience. These include:

  • Text ads 
  • Dynamic ads 
  • Image ads 
  • Video ads 
  • Carousel ads 
  • Event ads 
  • Lead generation ads 
  • Spotlight ads 
  • Follower ads

The platform also offers effective ways to reach those who have already shown an interest in your brand using retargeting ads – also known as remarketing. It also collects information from visitors coming to your website from LinkedIn campaigns  and can reach out to them via contact retargeting. This method uses Linkedin’s own database to show ads to those within your existing database of leads.

Using a LinkedIn advertising agency 

Our LinkedIn advertising experts will gain an in-depth understanding of your brand, and business goals, to help identify the optimum strategy and audiences for your brand, building ads that drive each user from lead to conversion and sales. We’ll manage the end-to-end process of your advertising campaigns, including strategy, targeting, implementation and execution to optimise your ads for the highest possible return. Get in touch today to find out how we can help you achieve your advertising goals.